Germany’s arm deliveries to Israel
This talk was intended for the Palestine Congress in Berlin on April 12th-14th, which was banned by the German authorities.
Political Economist
This talk was intended for the Palestine Congress in Berlin on April 12th-14th, which was banned by the German authorities.
Length: 19:04
Interview with Dr. Shir Hever for AcTVism Munich. Published May 25th, 2021.
Was hat Israel mit Kolonialismus zu tun? Online lecture in German. Hosted by Palästina Antikolonial and Palästina spricht in NRW Dienstag, 29. September, 2020, 19 Uhr (CET) bis 20:30 Uhr. Dr. Shir Hever beleuchtet in seinem Vortrag aus ökonomischer und politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive aktuelle (neo-)koloniale Praktiken in Israel-Palästina.Er klärt über den kolonialen Charakter Israels auf und erläutert, inwieweit […]
Interview with the Real News Network with the title Facebook Sues Israeli Cyber Security Co. NSO Over WhatsApp Surveillance Length: 14:42
(Length: 16:07) Interview with the Real News Network about two documents of the Israeli right-wing towards the occupation: General Yossi Kuperwasser’s opinion piece in Ha’aretz compared with the new battle plan for Gaza written by Lieutenant-General Aviv Kochavi.