Germany’s arm deliveries to Israel
This talk was intended for the Palestine Congress in Berlin on April 12th-14th, which was banned by the German authorities.
Political Economist
This talk was intended for the Palestine Congress in Berlin on April 12th-14th, which was banned by the German authorities.
Interview with Dr. Shir Hever for AcTVism Munich. Published May 25th, 2021.
(Length: 16:07) Interview with the Real News Network about two documents of the Israeli right-wing towards the occupation: General Yossi Kuperwasser’s opinion piece in Ha’aretz compared with the new battle plan for Gaza written by Lieutenant-General Aviv Kochavi.
An evening with Prof. Ilan Pappe (Exeter) and Dr. Shir Hever, in Prague. March 19th, 2019. (length: 1:47:44)
[German] Discussion between Riad Othman (Medico International) and Shir Hever (Jüdische Stimme für einen gerechten Frieden in Nahost) November 13th, 2018 at 19:00. Location: Quäker Nachbarschaftsheim, Kreutzerstraße 5-9, Köln Link to the flyer.