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- 2017, The Privatization of Israeli Security, London: Pluto Press.
- 2014, Die Politische Ökonomie der israelischen Besatzung, Köln: ISP Verlag.
- 2010, The Political Economy of Israel’s Occupation: Beyond Mere Exploitation, London: Pluto Press.
Book Chapters
- 2024, „Der Gazakrieg, die Vorgeschichte und die Rolle Deutschlands,“ [„The Gaza War, the Background and the Role of Germany,“], in: Duchrow, Ulrich (ed.), Gewalt gegen Palästinenser, Kairos Palestine, pp. 4-16.
- 2021, “The Crumbling Israeli-Palestinian Security Coordination,” in: Al-Arian, Sami (ed.), The Quest for Democracy: Examining Civil-Military Relations in Muslim Societies, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Press, pp. 320-329.
- 2021, „Towards a Political Economy of Apartheid and Inequality in Israel/Palestine,“ in: Tartir, Alaa; Dana, Tariq; Seidel, Timothy, Political Economy of Palstine: Critical, Interdisciplinary, and Decolonial Perspectives, pp. 177-196.
- 2017, „BDS: Eine wirtschaftliche Betrachtung 2017“, in Groth, Annette; Paech, Norman; Falk, Richard (eds.), Palästina – Vetreibung, Krieg und Besatzung, Wie der Konflikt die Kemokratie untergräbt, Köln: PapyRossa Verlag (German).
- 2017, “Was bedeuten die Ökonomischen Beziehungen zwischen Europa und Israel für die Besatzung?” in Duchrow, Ulrich; Ulrich, Hans G. (eds.), Religionen für Gerechtigkeit in Palästina-Israel, Jenseits von Luthers Feindbilderns, Die Reformation radikalisieren Vol. 7, Berlin: Lit Verlag (German).
- 2015, “Political Economy Theories of Privatization,” in Galnoor, Itzhak; Paz-Fuchs, Amir; Zion, Nomika, 2015, Privatization Policy in Israel: State Responsibility and the Boundaries between the Public and the Private [Mediniut Ha’afrata Beyisrael: Akhrayut Hamedina Vehagvulot Bein Hatziburi Laprati], Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad.
- 2014, “Israel’s Security Industry as a Business Model: Conflict-Management Industry,” in Takahashi, Saul (ed.), Human Rights, Human Security, and State Security, Volume 3: The Intersection, Santa Barbara, Denver and Oxford: Praeger.
- 2013, “Economic Cost of the Occupation to Israel,” in Bar-Tal, Daniel; Schnell, Izhak (eds.), The Impacts of Lasting Occupation; Lessons from Israeli Society, New York: Oxford University Press.
- 2013, “Economic Cost of the Occupation to Israel,” in Bar-Tal, Daniel; Schnell, Izhak (eds.), The Impacts of Lasting Occupation; Lessons from Israeli Society [Hashpa’at Hakibush Al Hakhevra Hayisraelit], Jerusalem: Mossad Bialik.
- 2013, “BDS: Perspectives of an Israeli Economist,” in Wiles, Rich (ed.), Generation Palestine; Voices from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, London: Pluto Press.
- 2011, “Elbit Systems,” in Winstanley, Asa & Barat, Frank (eds.), Corporate Complicity in Israel’s Occupation; Evidence from the London Session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, London: Pluto Press.
- 2007, “The Loss of the War,” in Voyatzi, Vaggelio (ed), The Winners’ Defeat: Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Ellinika Grammata, Athens (Greek).
Journal Papers
- 2024, “Israel’s Technology of Oppression,” Focus 1E Med, No. 160, May 22nd,
- Naser-Najab, Nadia and Hever, Shir, 2021, “Elite and Popular Contradictions in Security Coordination: Overcoming the Binary Distinction of the Israeli Colonizer and the Colonized Palestinian,” Critical Studies in Security, Vol. 9, No.1, pp. 1-14.
- Alsoos, Imad and Hever, Shir, 2020, “Gaza and the One-State Contest: an Internal Decolonizing Discourse,” POMEPS Studies Vol. 41, 55-58.
- 2019, „BDS Suppression Attempts in Germany Backfire,“ Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 191, No. 3, Spring 2019, pp. 86-96.
- 2018, “Securing the Occupation in East Jerusalem,” Jerusalem Quarterly, Vol. 75, Autumn 2018, pp. 104-114.
- 2018, “The Night Watchman Becomes a Mercenary,” Settler Colonial Studies, Vol. 8, No.5, pp. 1-14.
- 2012, “Exploitation of Palestinian Labour in Contemporary Zionist Colonialism,” Settler Colonial Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 124-132.
- 2005, “Economy and Politics: The Poverty Policy in Israel and the OPT,” Theory and Criticism, Vol. 26, Spring 2005, pp. 295-301 (Hebrew).
- Defund Racism, 2023, “Regavim, how charitable donations are funding indigenous erasure,” Defund Racism, September 2023, U.S,
- Leshem, Dotan and Hever, Shir, 2019, “Political Annexation Disguised as Economic Cooperation,” b20,10, 2019, . (Englis; Arabic in Madar Center and Hebrew in Hazman Hazeh).
- 2019, “Fallstudie: Gaza” in Humanitäre Folgen von Drohnen: Eine völkerrechtliche, psychologische und ethische Betrachtung, Berlin: IPPNW, pp. 38-39 (German).
- 2019, with Wolfgang Landgraeber, “High-Tech for Authoritarians – How Human Rights are Violated with Israeli Weapons,” GN-STAT Case 03, Berlin, February 18th, 2019, Summary: (English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish).
- 2015, “The Economic Impact of Displacement: Analysis of the Economic Damage Caused to Palestinian Households as a Result of Displacement by Israeli Authorities,” Norwegian Refugee Council, April 2015, Jerusalem (download).
- 2015, “How Much International Aid to Palestinians Ends Up in the Israeli Economy?” Aid Watch, September 2015, Ramallah (download).
- 2015, “A Costly Divide: Economic Repercussions of Separating Gaza and the West Bank,” Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, March 2015, Tel-Aviv (download).
- 2013, “Private Funding of Right-Wing Ideology in Israel,” Economy of the Occupation , Part 29-30, The Alternative Information Center, May 2013, Jerusalem (download).
- 2011, “Flammable Politics: Political-Economic Implications of Israel’s Natural Gas Find,” Economy of the Occupation , Part 27-28, The Alternative Information Center 2011, December, Jerusalem.
- 2010, “Israel and the OECD,” Economy of the Occupation, Part 26, The Alternative Information Center, August 2010, Jerusalem (download).
- 2009, “Cast Lead: Israel Attacks Gaza,” Economy of the Occupation, Parts 21-22, The Alternative Information Center, June 2009, Jerusalem (download).
- 2009 (together with Hanna Zohar), “Israel Owes Billions of Shekels to Palestinian Workers,” Economy of the Occupation, Part 25, Kav Laoved and The Alternative Information Center, December 2009, Jerusalem (English, Arabic version published June 2010). (download)
- 2008, “Privatization of Israel’s Refineries,” Economy of the Occupation, Part 16, The Alternative Information Center, January 2008, Jerusalem.
- 2008, “Political Economy of Aid to Palestinians Under Occupation,” Economy of the Occupation, Parts 17-18, The Alternative Information Center, November 2008, Jerusalem (download).
- 2007, “The Separation Wall in East Jerusalem: Economic Consequences,” Economy of the Occupation, Parts 11-12, The Alternative Information Center, January-February 2007, Jerusalem (English, Arabic version published July 2007).
- 2007, “Education in East Jerusalem: Report on the Educational System in East Jerusalem,” Economy of the Occupation, Parts 13-15, The Alternative Information Center, July-September 2007, Jerusalem (English, Hebrew version published September 2007).
- 2006, “The Question of Sanctions and a Boycott against Israel,” The Economy of the Occupation, Part 6, The Alternative Information Center, Jerusalem, March 2006 (English, Japanese version published in January 2008).
- 2006, “The Occupation Through the Eyes of Israeli Economists,” Economy of the Occupation, Part 9, The Alternative Information Center, June 2006, Jerusalem (download).
- 2006 (together with Rami Adut), “Breaking the Labor Market – The Welfare to Work Plan in Israel, Focus on East Jerusalem,” Economy of the Occupation, Parts 7-8, The Alternative Information Center, April-May 2006, Jerusalem (English, Arabic version published August 2006).
- 2005, “The Settlements – Economic Cost to Israel,” Economy of the Occupation, Part 2, The Alternative Information Center, Jerusalem, July 2005 (English, Arabic version published in August 2005, French version published in August 2006, Italian version published in January 2007).
- 2005, “The Gaza Withdrawal – Winners and Losers,” Economy of the Occupation, Parts 4-5, The Alternative Information Center, Jerusalem, October/November 2005.
- 2005, “Foreign Aid to the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel,” Economy of the Occupation, Part 1, The Alternative Information Center, Jerusalem, June 2005 (2nd edition published in February 2006).
- 2005, “Divide and Conquer – Inequality and Discrimination,” Economy of the Occupation, Part 3, The Alternative Information Center, Jerusalem, September 2005 (English, Hebrew version published in February, 2006, Arabic version published in August, 2006).
Magazines and Newspapers
- 2024, „Warten auf Trump“ [„Waiting for Trump“], Junge Welt, December 27th, 2024 (German),
- 2024, „Es wird kein Aufschwung geben,“ [„There will be no uprising,“] Sozialistische Zeitung, 12, Vol. 39, Dezember 2024 (German), p. 18.
- 2024, „Israels Wirtschaft in freien Fall,“ [„Israel’s economy in freefall“], Junge Welt, 12.10.2024, (German).
- 2024, “Wirtschaft im Kriegssumpf,” Junge Welt, September 7th, 2024, (German).
- 2024, “The End of Israel’s Economy,” Mondoweiss, July 19th, 2024,
- 2024, „Anmerkungen zu den jüngsten Behauptungen der Außenministerin,“ Junge Welt, 6.24,
- 2024, „Det Tod ist einmal mehr ein Meister aus Deutschland“, [„Death is again the master from Germany“], Sozialistische Zeitung, No. 5, Vol. 39, Mai 2024, pp. 18-19.
- 2024, “Waffenlieferungen an Israel stoppen,” [“Stop arms deliveries to Israel”], ippnw forum, No. 177, März 2024, p. 25.
- 2024, „Politik des Glaubens,“ [„Politics of faith“], Junge Welt, March 2024, p. 6, [German].
- 2024, “Keine Rüstungslieferungen nach Israel!” Sozialistische Zeitung, No. 3 Vol. 30, March 2024 (German).
- 2024, „How Palestinian Politics are Repressed in Germany,“ Al-Majdal, No. 60,
- 2024, „Eine andere Form des industriellen Tötens,“ Sozialistische Zeitung, No. 2, Vol. 39, Februar 2024 (German).
- 2024, „Eine Alternative zur Gewalt,“ Sozialistische Zeitung, Januar 2024 (German).
- 2023, „Unmoralisch und illegal,“ Sozialistische Zeitung, Dezember 2023 (German).
- 2023, „Krieg rechnet sich nicht,“ Junge Welt, 31.10.2023, (German).
- 2023, „Deutschland geht mit der Unterstützung von Kriegsverbrechen ein rechtliches Risiko ein, [Germany is at a legal risk for ist support for war crimes],“ Nachdenkseiten, October 14th, 2023, (German).
- 2023, “Notwendige Korrekturen an einem falschen Bild,” [“Necessary corrections to a wrong picture,”] Sozialistische Zeitung, September, 2023, (German).
- 2023, “Fake News über BDS” [„Fake news about BDS“], Junge Welt, August 24th, 2023, (German).
- 2023, „Für den Status quo“ [“For the status quo”], Junge Welt, August 7th, 2023, (German).
- 2023, „Schlecht furs Geschäft“ [“Bad for business”], Junge Welt, August 7th, 2023, (German).
- 2023, “Zeit für die Ausweisung des israelischen Botschafters,” [„Time for the expulsion oft he Israeli ambassador,“] July 31st, 2023, NachDenkSeiten, (German).
- 2023, “Das Ende der Angst [the End of Fear],” July 6th, 2023, Manova, (German).
- 2023, حقایقی دربارهی «النکبه» [“The ghost of the Nakba”], Pecritique, July 1st, 2023, (Farsi).
- 2023, “How AI can be used to legitimize Israeli apartheid,” Mondoweiss, July 1st, 2023,
- 2023, “Das Ende der Angst [the End of Fear],” July 6th, 2023, Manova, (German).
- 2023, “New world dis/orders: the shifting role of Israel and the decline of U.S hegemony in the Middle East,” HKWM International,
- 2023, „Israeli protests expose divisions in the military,“ Electronic Intifada, May 26th, 2023,
- 2023, „Die Unterstützung der israelischen Rechten für Netanjahu ist mit Blut erkauft,“ [„The support of the Israeli right for Netanyahu was bought with blood“] Nachdenkseiten, May 15th, 2023, (German).
- 2023, „‘Wir pissen auf PEGA,‘“ [„We piss on PEGA“], Sozialistische Zeitung, No. 5, Vol. 38, May 2023 (German).
- 2023, „Israel: UN rapporteur target of ‚‘smear campaign’ for denouncing occupation,” Middle East Eye, April 26th, 2023,
- 2023, “Spyware ist eine Gefahr für die Menschenrechte überall, aber die Menschen wehren sich dagegen” [„Spyware is a threat to human rights everywhere, but people are protecting themselves“], Nachdenkseiten, April 19th, 2023, (German).
- 2023, “’Smile-kill-enjoy’:” Meet Ben-Gvir’s candidate to lead ‘national guard,’” Middle East Eye, April 9th, 2023,
- 2023, „Disinformation: Another Israeli Repression Technology for Sale,“ info, Mach 31st, 2023,,6338, (English and French).
- 2023, „Die unverbrüchliche Allianz zwischen den USA und Israel zerbricht“ [„The unbreakable alliance between the US and Israel braks,“], Nachdenkseiten, March 31st, 2023, (German).
- 2023, „Israelische Desinformation gegen Israel“ [„Israeli disinformation against Israel“], Nachdenkseiten, March 28th, 2023, (German).
- 2023, „Israel hat Angst vor dem Frieden“ [„Israel fears peace“], Nachdenkseiten, March 20th, 2023,, (German).
- 2023, “Die Scharade ist zu Ende” [“The charade has ended”], Sozialistische Zeitung, March 2023, Vol. 38, 3, p. 21 (German).
- 2022, “Wie der Westen israelische Apartheid, Besatzung und Siedlungskolonialismus unterstütz,” [„How the West supports Israeli apartheid, occupation and settler colonialism“], in Wie können Kirchen in USA und Europa helfen, Völkerrecht und Menchenrechte in Palästina/Israel durchzusetzen, Heft 3 der Schriftenreihe Ökumenischer Prozess zum Thema „Israel als Apartheidsystem?“ Kairos Palestine A Moment of Truth, pp. 23-26 (German).
- 2022, „Meet Avi Maoz, Israel’s ‚‘proudly homophobic‘ new powerbroker,“ Middle East Eye, December 16th, 2022,
- 2022, “Israelische Waffen und der Krieg in der Ukraine” [“Israeli weapons and the war in Ukraine”], Soyialistische Zeitung, No. 12, December 2022, p. 16.
- 2022, „Meet the powerful rabbi who once called for killing innocent Palestinians,“ Middle East Eye, November 29th, 2022,
- 2022, „Schule oder Essen“ [„School or food“], Jünge Welt, November 22nd, 2022, (German).
- 2022, “Flucht nach vorn” [“Escaping forward”], Sozialistische Zeitung, No. 10, October 2022, p. 18, (German).
- 2022, “Die BDS-Bewegung au seiner jüdischen Perspektive” [„The BDS-movement from a Jewish perspective“], dis:orient, October 3rd, 2022, (German).
- 2022, “Elbit Systems: The Israeli arms company under fire from activists,” Middle East Eye, January 14th, 2022,
- 2022, “Israel-China trade caught between US pressure and BDS,” Middle East Eye, January 8th, 2022,
- 2022, “Gantz’s meeting with Abbas marks latest move in his role of serving Israel’s security elite,” Middle East Eye, January 5th, 2022,
- 2021, „More weapons and fewer pastors: Germany’s new coalition has plans for Israel and Palestine,“ Middle East Eye, December 14th, 2021,
- 2021, „Bewegung für einen gerechten Frieden“ [„Movement for a just peace“], Friedens Forum, Nr. 6, 2021, p. 44 (German).
- 2021, “Etwas mehr Zuckerbrot als Peitsche” [“More carrot than stick”], Sozialistische Zeitung, 10, Vol. 36, p. 21 (German).
- 2021, “German election: Did the Israel-Palestine issue sway voters?,” Middle East Eye, September 30th, 2021,
- 2021, “US Iron Dome vote: a small dent in Washington’s unconditional aid to Israel,” Middle East Eye, September 27th, 2021,
- 2021, “Palestinian prison break reveals a path to freedom,” Middle East Eye, September 7th, 2021,
- Andrews, Frank and Hever, Shir, 2021, “Faulty, indiscriminate, lethal: Israel opts for Vietnam-era bombs in Gaza,” Middle East Eye, August 17th, 2021,
- 2021, “Pegasus: Spyware scandal lays bare cracks in Israel’s cyber security ‘success’ story,” Middle East Eye, August 8th, 2021,
- 2021, “Israel hat eine neue Koalition: die Spinne,” [„Israel has a new coalition: the spiders“] Sozialistische Zeitung, Nr. 7/8, Vol. 36, p. 19 (German).
- 2021, “Israel arms sales: Court decision ends hopes for transparency,” Middle East Eye, July 1st, 2021,
- 2021, “Naftali Bennett: Israel’s hawkish right-winger on the cusp of power,” Middle East Eye, June 1st, 2021,
- 2021, “Gaza war: Hamas reveals new capabilities as it reduces Israel’s military edge,” Middle East Eye, May 30th, 2021,
- 2021, “The war that Israel lost,” Open Democracy, May 21st, 2021,
- 2021, „Sheikh Jarrah is Israel’s Self-Destruct Button,“ The Platform, 14th, May 2021,
- 2021, „Power is up for grabs in Israel – but does anyone except Netanyahu want it?“ net, March 19th, 2021,
- 2021, “54 Jahre israelische Besatzung, Die wirtschaftliche Dimension” [„54 Years of Israeli occupation, the economic dimension,“], Wissenschaft und Frieden Dossier, 91, pp. 14-17.
- 2021, “Israeli private arms export is too terrible even for Tel Aviv,” Middle East Eye, February 28th, 2021,
- 2020, „In Germany, cultural groups worry about conflation between BDS and antisemitism,“ Middle East Eye, December 15th, 2020,
- 2020, “Israelische Botschaft unterstützt Antisemitn” [„Israeli Embassy supports antisemites“], Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 35, Nr. 5, November 2020, p. 21,
- Nasser-Najjab, Nadia and Hever, Shir, 2020, „Cracks in Israel’s Separation Wall and Netanyahu’s Fragile Grip on Power,“ Middle East Eye, August 19th, 2020,
- 2020, „Vom Notstand zum Ausnahmezustand“, Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 35, Nr. 5, Mai 2020, p. 15 (German).
- 2020, „Trumps ‘Jahrhundertsdeal‘ für Palästina“, Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 35, Nr. 2, Februar 2020, p. 2 (German).
- 2019, „Germany and Israel,“ interview for Middle East Policy, Vol. 26, No. 4, Winter 2019, pp. 27-39.
- 2019, „Germany’s Halle Attack Reveals Problems with the Term ‚Antisemitism,‘“ Middle East Eye, October 27th, 2019,
- 2019, “Israeli Protest Crackdown Defies Notion of ‘Democracy,’” Middle East Eye, 22.8.19,
- 2019, “Israel’s Zombie Opposition Tries to Rise From the Dead,” Middle East Eye, 19.7.19,
- 2019, „How Israeli Influence is Squashing Free Speech in Germany,“ Middle East Eye, 9.7.19,
- 2019, „Realistische Waffentests: Menschenrechtsverletzungen mit israelischen Waffen“, Zivilcourage Magazin der DFG-VK, 2, 2019, pp. 24-25 (German).
- 2019, „Rechsautoritäre Wende: die Anti-BDS-Entschließung des Bundestags is undemokratisch“, Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 34, No. 6, Juni 2019, p. 3 (German).
- 2019, „Zweierlei Staatsräson“, Junge Welt, Nr. 111, Mai 2019, p. 8 (German).
- 2019, „Ess droht die Annexion des Westjordanlands“, Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 34, No. 5, Mai 2019, p. 17 (German).
- 2019, „Israelische Rüstungsfirmen gegen Flüchtlinge“, Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 34, No. 2, Februar 2019, p. 11 (German).
- 2018, „Israel zwischen Neoliberalismus und Kolonialismus: Die soziale Ungleichheit ist extrem gestiegen”, Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 33, No. 12, Dezember 2018, p. 13 (German).
- 2018, „Massaker in Gaza: Machtungleichgewicht geht zurück“, Abrüsten statt Aufrüsten, DFG-VK Gruppe Köln,, November 16th, 2018 (German).
- 2018, „Israel Verabschiedet Nationgesetz…” [“Israel Passes the Law of the Nation…], Sozialistische Zeitung, Vol. 33, No. 9, September 2018, p. 20 (German).
- 2018, „Oppression Education: Israeli Academic Institutions Throw Their Lot with the Israeli Security Elite,“ BRICUP Newsletter, No. 123, July 2018.
- 2018, „Was bedeuten die ökonomischen Beziehungen zwischen Europa und Israel für die Besatzung,“ ]What is the significance of the economic relations between Europe and Israel to the Occupation], Verfehlte Buße, Stimmen aus der Ökumene zum Verhältnis Deutschland – Palästina/Israel, Heidelberg, June 2018, pp. 17-18 (German).
- 2018, “Tödlische U-Boote“ [“Deadly Submarines”], Sozialistische Zeitung, Nr. 4, 33. Jg, April 2018, p. 16 (German).
- 2018, “Who Profits from Keeping Gaza on the Brink of Humanitarian Catastrophe?” +972 Blog, March 2nd, 2018.
- 2018, “Who Profits from Keeping Gaza on the Verge of Humanitarian Crisis?” Local Call, 3.18 (Hebrew).
- 2018, „Israeli Security Policy: Turning Public Space to Private Property,“ com, 19.1.18,
- 2017, “Wie ich lernte, die israelische Geheimpolizei zu lieben,” Junge Kirche, 4/2017, 78. Jahrgang, pp. 30-31.
- 2017, “Privatization of the Israeli War on BDS,” Backstreet Blues, October 16th, 2017,
- 2017, “European Punitive Measures against Israel?”” de,
- 2016, „Bocyotting Jews to Prevent the Boycott of Israel,“ Middle East Eye, December 8th, 2016,
- 2016, “Privatizing Israel’s Arms Industry,” Middle East Eye, January 27th, 2016,
- 2016, “Israels Regierung: Rechts, ängstlich und erfolglos” [„Israel’s Government: Right, Fearful and Unsuccessful“], Palästina-Israel Zeitung, Nr. 9, March 2016, p.3.
- 2016, “From Inside Israel: The Dangers of Repressing the BDS Movement,” The Platform, February 23rd, 2016,
- 2015, „Israel’s Elections – A One Man Game,“ Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost e.V, March 21st, 2015,
- 2015, „Israel and the Coalition of Oppressors,“ Middle East Eye, April 29th, 2015,
- 2015, “Unleashing Mob Violence in Jerusalem: an Act of Desparation,” Middle East Eye, October 12th, 2015,
- 2015, “The Cost of 48 Years of Occupation,” Cornerstone, Issue 72, Summer 2015, pp: 8-9.
- 2015, “Israel, Iran and the US Arms Industry,” Middle East Eye, May 26th, 2015,
- 2015, “EU Labelling of Israeli Goods is a Political Game Changer,” Middle East Eye, November 11th, 2015,
- 2015, “BDS Finds Weak Point in Israel’s Politics of Fear,” Middle East Eye, June 9th, 2015,
- 2015, “Asylum Seekers: Fortress Europe with Israeli Guns,” Middle East Eye, June 23rd, 2015,
- 2015, “’Fortress Israel’: The Ups and Downs of Arms Sales and Cyber Surveillance,” Middle East Eye, July 17th, 2015,
- 2014, “Why the BDS Movement Can No Longer be Ignored,” Middle East Eye, September 16th,, 2014,
- 2014, “Israel Counts the Cost of the 50-Day Gaza War,” Middle East Eye, September 22nd, 014,
- 2014, “Gaza: a Testing Ground for Israeli Military Technology,” Middle East Eye, August 15th, 2014,
- 2014, “Deutschland fragwürdiges Waffengeschäft gefährdet Das Leben von Zivilisten,” Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost e.V, October 23rd, 2014,
- 2014, “Annexation and Colonization under the Guise of ‘Jewish Heritage’ – Not in Our Name,” Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost e.V, October 10th, 2014,
- 2013, “The Jewish National Fund,” Inamo, Vol. 76, Winter 2013, pp. 12-13 (German).
- 2013, “The Implications of Foreign Aid on Palestinians,” Hevra, Social-Democratic Journal, Vol. 55, March 2013 (Hebrew).
- 2013, “The EU-Guidelines and the ‘Peace Process,’” Inamo, 75, Fall 2013, p. 3 (German).
- 2012, “Turning a Profit from Normalization,” AIC Website,, February 7th.
- 2012, “How the European Union Subsidizes the Israeli Occupation,” Jnews Blog,, February 23rd.
- 2012, “Germany Brings Cold War to Middle East,” AIC Website,, March 27th.
- 2012, “Economic Aspects of the Siege on Gaza,” Paralleli,, June 1st, 2012 (Italian).
- 2011, “Wikileaks: The Economic Reasons Behind the Siege on Gaza,” Jnews Blog, February 10th,
- 2011, “Why did Agrexco go Bankrupt?” Jnews Blog, October 7th,
- 2011, “Unwelcome in Israel: Want to Visit the West Bank? Don’t Try Flying to Ben Gurion Airport: You Won’t be Welcome,” Jnews Blog, July 10th,
- 2011, “The Tent Protest Movement: Can Israeli Society Change from Within?” New Left Project, August 8th.
- 2011, “The OECD Has Lost 4 Million Palestinians,” Jnews Blog, August 26th,
- 2011, “The Economics of Occupation,” Newsweek Magazine, September 18th.
- 2011, “Taking a Test in Boycott: Academic Credits for Soldiers Mistreating Palestinians: A Dilemma for the Boycott movement,” Jnews Blog, June 9th,
- 2011, “Non-Violence Will Hurt Israel,” Gulf News, July 16th,
- 2011, “Netanyahu’s African Quest,” Jnews Blog,, December 21st.
- 2011, “Natural Gas: Egypt’s Subsidy of Israel,” Jnews Blog, April 18th,
- 2011, “Israel’s Changing Role in the Middle East,” Middle East Futures Network, May 8th,
- 2011, “If Foreign Aid is OK for Israel’s Government, Why Not for Its NGOs?” Jnews Blog,, November 21st.
- 2011, “Economic Separation Under Israeli Control,” AIC Website,, December 7th.
- 2011, “Conditions for Viable Palestinian Statehood,” AICWebsite, May 19th, 2011,
- 2011, “Israeli Citizens, Our Economy Hasn’t Collapsed. Yet,” Eretz Haemori,, January 2nd (Hebrew).
- 2010, “Israel’s ‘Wisconsin Plan’ Defeated through Social Protest,´ The Alternative Information Center, May 3rd, 2010.
- 2010, “Does the OECD Know Where is Israel?,” The Alternative Information Center, April 11th, 2010,
- 2010, “Why Does Israel Still Occupy the Palestinians?” New Left Project, September 24th, later also published in Monthly Review Zine, and in Israeli Occupation Archive.
- 2010, “A Dark Time for Israel,” The Alternative Information Center, May 11th, 2010.
- 2010, “Does the OECD Know Where is Israel?,” The Alternative Information Center, April 11th, 2010 (English, Spanish version published April 19th).
- 2010, “The Keyboard is Mightier than the Sword: Stop the Wall Offices Ransacked by Israeli Soldiers,” The Alternative Information Center, February 9th, 2010.
- 2010, “The Flotilla to Gaza – How International Aid to the Palestinians Should Look Like,” AIC Website, May 30th (Hebrew).
- 2010, “Google Reports Israeli Infringement of Privacy,” AIC Website, September 23rd.
- 2010, “Israeli Army: An ‘Army of the People?’ – Part 1,” AIC Website, December 27th.
- 2010, “Israel Subsidizes Obstacles to Peace,” AIC Website, September 21st.
- 2010, “Israel Cuts off ‘Aid’ to Planned Palestinian City,” AIC Website, August 16th.
- 2010, “Israel’s Inclusion in Economic Organization a Threat to Democracy,” The Electronic Intifada, March 25th, 2010 (English, published in Spanish in April 5th).
- 2009, “Israel Report on the Palestinian Economy vs. Reality,” Soemoed, 37, No. 6, November-December 2009, pp. 20-23 (Dutch).
- 2009, “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions: an Instrument for Non-Violent Struggle in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,” Pueblos, 40, December 2009, pp. 37-39 (Spanish).
- 2009, “Leviev is not like Other Tycoons,” org, September 3rd (Hebrew).
- 2009, “Greek Money to the PA – Funding the Palestinians or the Occupation?”, Resistance for Free Palestine, October 8th, 2009 (Greek).
- 2009, “Capacity or Audacity: Comments on Israel’s Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,” The Alternative Information Center Website, September 29th, 2009.
- 2009, “Capacity or Audacity: Comments on Israel’s Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,” Resistance for Free Palestine, September 29th, 2009 (Greek).
- 2009, “The Law Serves the Military, the Military is Above the Law,” The Alternative Information Center Website, April 27th (Hebrew).
- 2009, “Tainted Cement: BDS Campaign Against CRH Irish Construction Company’s Business Dealings with Israeli Company That Exploits Resources on Occupied Lands,” The Alternative Information Center, November 25th, 2009 (English, Hebrew version published November 30th).
- 2009, “Israeli Containment Strategy: Gaza Misery Used to Intimidate West Bankers,” The Alternative Information Center Website, August 13th.
- 2009, “Law in Service of the Military, the Military above the Law,” The Alternative Information Center Website, April 28th.
- 2009, “Israelis Are Beginning to See the Power of BDS,” The Alternative Information Center Website, March 1st.
- 2009, “Balad and Hadash—Election Campaigns Take Different Directions,” The Alternative Information Center Website, February 27th.
- 2009, “War of the Tunnels—Economic Aspects of the Israeli Attack on Gaza,” The Alternative Information Center Website, January 5th.
- 2009, “Did Leviev’s Empire Succumb to Boycott?” The Alternative Information Center Website, September 2nd.
- 2008, “The Economic Aspect of the Israeli Occupation,” Al-Safeer, 3, March 2008.
- 2008, “The Cost of the Colonies,” De L’Autre Côté, 4, pp. 82-101 (French).
- 2008, “Let Them Eat Schadenfreude: The Suffering of Gazans Offered Up as a Panacea for Sderot,” The Alternative Information Center Website, February 8th (English, Hebrew version published in February 6th).
- 2008, “Ending the Israeli Occupation of Palestine Includes Repaying Debts,” The Alternative Information Center Website, February 13th.
- 2008, “On Economic Class and Political Choice in Israel,” The Alternative Information Center Website, April 14th.
- 2008, “Israel’s Oil Refineries Privatized: the Palestinian Economy Perspective,” Electronic Intifada, April 4th, 2008.
- 2008, “Israel is Exporting the Occupation,” Der Schlepper, 45, October 2008, pp. 33-35 (German).
- 2008, “Economic Resistance to the Occupation through Divestment,” The Joint Advocacy Initiative Magazine, April 2008, pp. 14-15.
- 2007, “The Israeli Economy – Rotting from Within,” Rouya U’khra, 14, No. 41, Winter 2007, pp. 56-66 (Arabic).
- 2007, “The ‘Wisconsin Plan’ in Israel: From Income Support to an Unregulated Labor Market,” Economics and Society Bulletin, 4, pp. 49-63 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Will the Two Go Together?,” Mitsad Sheni, Vol. 18, Winter 2007, pp. 12-14 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “The Zionist Deal,” News from Within, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, February 2007, pp. 21-22.
- 2007, “The Registry of Damage,” Mitsad Sheni, Vol. 19-20, Summer 2007, pp. 46-48 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “The Fall of the Dollar and Exports,” Kol Ha’ir, May 18th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “So-Called Poverty Report,” Kol Ha’ir, February 9th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Rights and Incentives,” Kol Ha’ir, April 20th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “New Poverty in Israel,” Kol Ha’ir, February 23rd, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Neo-Repression,” Kol Ha’ir, January 12th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “How Much Will the Wall Cost?” Kol Ha’ir, March 23rd, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Good Monopoly, Bad Monopoly,” Kol Ha’ir, April 6th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Economy and the Next World,” Kol Ha’ir, May 4th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Does Israel Need an Inheritance Tax?,” Kol Ha’ir, June 15th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Disappearing Class,” Kol Ha’ir, January 26th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Bad Smell,” Kol Ha’ir, Marth 9th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “40 Years of Occupation – the Economic Cost,” Kol Ha’ir, June 4th, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Lesson 27 – Marxism for Beginners,” Ynet, April 22nd, 2007 (Hebrew).
- 2007, “Occupation and Aid,” The Alternative Information Center Website, February 6th, 2007.
- 2006, “The Vote for Hamas: Political, not Religious,” in Resistencias, 2, June 2006, pp. 20-23 (Greek).
- 2006, “The Price of the War,” Kol Ha’ir, August 11th, 2006 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “The Loss of the War,” New from Within, XXII, No. 9-10, October-November, 2006, pp. 26-28.
- 2006, “The Israeli Interest,” in Mitsad Sheni, Vol. 10-11, p. 52 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “Inflation in the Occupied Territories,” in Palestina, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 29-31 (Norwegian).
- 2006, “How Much Did the War Cost?,” Mitsad Sheni, Vol. 17, Autumn 2006, pp. 10-11 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “From Welfare to Where?,” Kol Ha’ir, July 29th, 2006 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “Fight Unemployment, not the Unemployed,” Kol Ha’ir, December 1st, 2006 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “Economics Lessons Serving Government Policy,” Kol Ha’ir, September 1st, 2006 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “Bad News,” Kol Ha’ir, September 22nd, 2006 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “Survey of The Development of Economic Thought Since Adam Smith and Until Today,” Ynet, October 6th, 2006 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “Effects of the Economic Thought on Our Lives,” Ynet, December 31st, 2006 (Hebrew).
- 2006, “Devastation in Gaza – Who is Paying the Bill?,” Alternative Information Center Website, November 12th, 2006.
- 2006 (together with Rami Adut), “Work with no Welfare,” Mitsad Sheni, Summer 2006, 16, pp. 8-15 (Hebrew).
- 2005, “The Economy of the Occupation: Divide and Conquer – Inequality and Discrimination,” News from Within, XXI, No. 6, September/October 2005, pp. 26-33.
- 2005, “Pricing the Occupation,“ News from Within, XXI, No. 4, June 2005, pp. 13-20.
- 2005, “Do Palestinians Get the Most Foreign Aid in the World?,” News from Within, Vol. XXI, No. 3, April/May 2005, pp. 14-17.
- 2005, “Capital Distribution in Israel,” News from Within, Vol. XXI, No. 1, December 2004/January 2005, pp. 42-46.
- 2004, “Unemployment in Israel’s History and Today,” News from Within, Vol. XX, No. 1, January/February 2004, pp. 4-8.
- 2004, “Poverty and Inequality in the Land of Milk and Honey,” News from Within, Vol. XX, No. 7, October/November 2004, pp. 22-27.
- 2004, “Inflation: Another Wall Between Israel and the Occupied Territories,” News from Within, XX., No. 3, May 2004.
- 2004, “Inflation, Part II – Inflation in Israel: Price Changes That Hide the Reallocation of Wealth,“ News from Within, Vol. XX, No. 5, August 2004, pp. 12-16.
Book Reviews
- 2023, „Hostile ideologies: Hindutva and Zionism march hand in hand,“ Electronic Intifada, May 26th, 2023,
- 2023, “The church of the schools of economics: following the book Capital and it’s Crisis by Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan,” Zo Haderech, January 29th, 2023, (Hebrew).
- 2020, “Dialogue in Palestine,” British Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 47 [Dialogue in Palestine].
- 2017, “How Many are One Plus One?” Public Space [Hamerkhav Hatziburi] , 12, pp. 135-137.
- 2014, “The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Spring by Gilbert Achcar,” MESA, ROMES, Vol. 48, No. 1-2, pp. 53-54.
- 2011, “Activism 101,” Dissident Voice, May 13th,
- 2006, The Price of Occupation by Shlomo Swirski, published in Mitsad Sheni, Vol. 14-15, pp. 84-86 (Hebrew).
- 2003, Globalization: The Human Cnsequences by Zygmunt Bauman, published in the Books supplement of Ha’aretz, May 28th, 2003 (Hebrew).
- 2002, From War Profits to Peace Dividends: The Global Political Economy of Israel by Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nizan, published in the Books supplement of Ha’aretz, October 23rd, 2002 (Hebrew).
- 2012, Against the Gods: The Remarkable History of Risk by Peter L. Bernstein, Tel Aviv: Yedioth Ahronot Publishing (Hebrew).
- Consultant for: El-Jazairi, Lara; Smyth, Fionna; El-Ansary, Marwa, 2012, “On the Brink; Israeli settlements and their impact on Palestinians in the Jordan Valley,” Oxfam, Oxfam Briefing Paper 160, July 5th, 2012.