Israel’s “Nation-State” Law
(length: 22:48) Published by AcTVism:
Political Economist
(length: 22:48) Published by AcTVism:
Shir Hever gave this talk in Stuttgart on May 7th: (Length: 1:14:14). The Power Point presentation can be found here: Militärindustrie und Sicherheitsindustrie.
The take (in German) takes place on May 7th, 2018, at 19:00 at the Stuttgarter Welthaus, Globales Klassenyimmer, Charlottenplatz 17, Stuttgart. Link to the invitation. Free entry.
This talk (in German) is on May 6th, 2018, at 15:00 at MIGRApolis-Haus der Vielfalt Bonn Cafe in Bonn (Brüdergasse 16-18, 53111 Bonn). Link to the announcement. Free entry.
The talk (in German) is on February 21st, 2018 at 19:00 at Villa Sponte – Zeitkultur e.V. (Osterdeich 59b, Bremen). Link to the announcement. The talk is about the economic interests which shaped the policies of the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian Territory between 1967 and today.
The talk (in German) is on February 15th, 2018 at 19:00 at the IG Metall Sitzungraum Heidelberg (Friedrich Ebert Anlage 24, 69117 Heidelberg). Download the flyer as a PDF. This is an event of the GEW, the union of education workers and science workers. The talk is about the history of the Israeli federation of unions the “Histadrut” and its […]
The talk (in German) is on January 25th, 2018 at 19:30 at the Stadtbücherei Heidelberg (Poststraße 15, 69115 Heidelberg). Download the flyer as a PDF. This is an event of the Heidelberg Palestine Initiative in cooperation with Palmyra Verlag, in honor of the book edited by Annette Groth, who will speak at the evening.
A video by AcTVism (Munich) on the history of Israel-U.S relations. Published on January 11th, 2018. (length: 26:23)
The talk (in German) took place on January 16th, 2018 at 19:00 at Freizeitheim Lister Turm (Walderseestraße 100, Hannover, 30177). Download the flyer invitation as a PDF. Click here to see the invitation on the website of the Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft e. V. Free entry. The presentation can be downloaded here: Hanover Rolle des Militärs.
Talk in Glasgow on the book Privatization of Israeli Security: (Length: 40:52, 12.12.17)